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Firmware update

Upgrade the firmware on your vehicle.

There are 3 firmwares - the "Sonix" firmware is for the video and wifi board. The ArduPilot firmware is for the flight controller and the transmitter firmware is for your transmitter.

You can get the latest firmware releases from

Upgrade Sonix Firmware

After uploading the new Sonix firmware (which should have a file extension of ".bin"), the Sonix board will automatically reboot and start the new firmware. You will need to reconnect to the WiFi access point on the SkyViper after the reboot.

You must have a microSD card inserted in order to upgrade the Sonix firmware.

Choose a file to upload:

Current version: unknown unknown

Upgrade ArduPilot Firmware

After uploading the new ArduPilot firmware (which should have a file extension of ".abin") the flight controller will automatically reboot. The reboot will take about 15 seconds.

Choose a file to upload:

Current version: unknown unknown
Serial Number: unknown

Upgrade Transmitter Firmware

After uploading the new transmitter firmware (which should have a file extension of ".img"), you will need to power cycle your transmitter. The transmitter will then flash its LEDs alternately at a one second interval for 14 seconds while it performs the firmware update. It will then boot as normal.

Choose a file to upload:

Current version: unknown

Sonix IQ.BIN Upload

The IQ.BIN file on the sonix video board controls the video settings (such as white balance, exposure etc). You will not normally need to update this, but occasionally a new version may be released.

Choose a file to upload:

File Upload

You can upload a file to any location on the microSD card.

Choose a file to upload:
